Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy Birthday!

We celebrated a birthday in Pre K A, today.

A couple of children worked together on a new puzzle.  They are learning to work together and share.  We celebrated a job well done when they completed it with only a little assistance from adults.

The art centre is becoming more popular.  Children are learning to use their own creativity to work on projects.  It may not look like a "polished" piece of art, but these self made projects are something to be proud of!  When children make these works of art, they are using thinking skills, creativity, as well as practising fine motor skills.  Parents should be very impressed when their child brings home these treasures and  they deserve to be displayed in a place of honour. (Perhaps on the kitchen fridge or a wall in the child's bedroom)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Universal Children's Day

Today was Children's Day!

Watch this YouTube video of Four year olds expressing their ideas of children's rights

Universal Children's Day:  A celebration of Children's rights

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


ECIP stands for Early Childhood Intervention Program.  ECIP is a support for parents who have concerns about their child's development.  Any parents who have concerns can contact ECIP themselves to get help, or the Pre K teacher can assist parents by contacting ECIP  for them.  Here is a link to a YouTube video that explains what you might expect from an ECIP visit.  

If you have concerns about how your child is doing, discuss this with me, or contact ECIP.  
Here is the contact information for ECIP in our area:

Prince Albert ECIP Inc.
3041 Sherman Drive
Prince AlbertSK S6V 7B7

Phone: 306-922-3247
Fax:      306-763-5244

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Chocolate Pudding Finger Painting in Pre K B

Today we did some Chocolate pudding Finger painting with the Pre K B class.  One of the Mom's came to help.  She was a great help.  THANKS for coming!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Chocolate Pudding Finger Painting

Today we had several volunteers to help with Chocolate Pudding Finger Painting.

Those children who chose to participate seemed to enjoy themselves.  

Surprisingly, several children could not be convinced to get their hands dirty.  This boy started to scoop the pudding on his paper, but decided he did not want to put his hands in the stuff, stopped and decided to play somewhere else.

Volunteers stayed to play with the kids.  Here the whole family stayed to play.

Thanks Volunteers!