
Parents often wonder what children learn in Pre K. 

I found an excellent site called "I Can Teach My Child:  Helping You Be your Child's First Teacher"  A summary of the Domains that we teach in Pre K are below.  If Families also teach these domains at home, children will have an excellent foundation for their future school years.  Visit the website to get more information.

Gross motor:  using the "big" muscles in our body

Fine motor:  learning to precisely control the muscles in the hands. (coloring, cutting with scissors,using tweezers, tearing paper etc.  all help build fine motor skills)

Language:  speaking in complete sentences, learning to ask and answer questions, sounds, reading, writing etc

Cognitive:  reasoning, math skills etc.

Social/Emotional:  Learning to play, share, manners etc.

Self-Help:  learning to dress oneself, feed oneself, using the toilet, wash hands etc.

Spiritual:  Teaching your child to love and obey God, recognizing the difference between right and wrong,  experiencing the "wonder" of nature, etc.