Friday, December 18, 2015

Christmas Presents and Santa

The Leader of the Day opened a Christmas present and we shared what was inside...a book for everyone and candy!

Santa dropped in one day.  Pre K - B was lucky enough to get their picture taken with him.

Birthday Blessings and Toque Day

We celebrated a birthday on Thursday.  One December Birthday boy was absent, so we will celebrate his birthday in January.

It was also Toque Day on Thursday.  This was our only Toque wearer of the Day!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Birthday Blessings and PJ Day!

Today we celebrated a birthday and it was also PJ Day!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Warmer Winter Weather!

The weather has been milder lately....perfect for having lots of fun playing outside!  When we play outside we are building strong muscles or what educators refer to as GROSS MOTOR SKILLS.  Why is it important to encourage gross motor development in Early Childhood?  Along with stronger muscles, healthier bodies and better brain development there are other side benefits of Gross Motor Play.  Here is an excerpt from that explains more reasons why children need lots of outside time!

        Why promote gross motor development?

  • Fosters Imagination through Story Telling and Active Play
  • Encourages Problem Solving and Critical Thinking (e.g. how am I going to climb over this log?)
  • Hones Risk Taking Skills
  • Ignites a Sense of Awe and Wonder about the Nature World
  • FUN!
  • Better Sleep
  • Happier Children                                                                                                                                   (The above information was gathered from                                                                                                      have also noticed that communication and verbal skills are enhanced when children play outside.  Sometimes, the quiet students will suddenly open up and become much more verbal when allowed to run and shout outside!





























Christmas Puppet Show

The Pre K classes went to a Christmas Puppet Show at the John M Cuelenaere Public Library this week.  Fun was had by all!  The library is showing movies over the Christmas Break.  Families might want to check it out!