Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Birthday Blessings

We gave Birthday Blessings to those children born in February.  Happy Birthday!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Delivering Valentines

A BIG thank you to the parents who came to help the children deliver their Valentines!  In the excitement, I missed taking any photos of you and your helpfulness. Please know that I truly appreciated the help!  Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Fun in the Gym

We had some extra time in the gym, today.  What a nice treat!


We welcome two new students to our Pre K-A class

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Marble Art Hearts

Thank you to the parents who helped this week.  We made beautiful hearts with marbles, paint and glitter!  Parents can expect to see the hearts come home in their child's backpack, next week, after they have had time to dry on the drying rack.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Growing Crystals

We have been growing crystals for the past couple of days.  We dissolved Borax in hot water until the solution was saturated.  We inserted a heart shaped pipe cleaner and then patiently waited.  Pre K A needed to be extra patient, as no results were very visible the first day.  Pre K B could see crystals by the same afternoon.  One of the students shared some descriptive vocabulary about the result with her friends.  The crystals were "glittery" and "sparkly".  This science activity was an opportunity to practice social skills....being patient.  Language skills were used too, as lots of language was used by the children to discuss the activity.