Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Building, Reading and More Snow Angels!

The children were busy today.  Some of the activities included:



and More Snow Angels

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

iPads to Cars and Snow Angels

Today, three of the boys built "iPads" from Lego. They were playing quite well together (although a little loudly!). They were having great fun and pretended the iPads magically turned into cars.  At one point a teacher had to step in to help with a sharing problem, but for the most part, they did a good job of playing together. Way to go boys!

Later in the afternoon, we played outside in the snow.  These two children had great fun making Snow Angels.

I am glad to see the kiddos gaining a sense of community and belonging.  They are learning social skills and how to be friends. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Happy Birthday!

We celebrated a November birthday today.  Happy Birthday T!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

It's Growing

The children love spraying the Amaryllis plant and it is beginning to grow!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Decorations and Cards

Lana Wilson, Gallery Educator at the Mann Art Gallery invites parents and their children to attend a free event.  See the information below. 


Friday, November 18, 2016


A new boy will be starting our Pre K - B class next week. Welcome!


We have a new little boy in our Pre K -A class.  Welcome!

Chocolate Pudding Finger Painting

This week a parent came to help us with a delicious art experience--chocolate pudding Finger Painting.  Thanks to her help, the children enjoyed a different sensory experience. 


Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Watering the Amaryllis

We have been watering the Amaryllis plant daily with a sprayer.  This is hard work for little hands...great for developing Fine Motor Muscles!  The children are learning to take turns too.  I wonder what the plant will look look like when we come back to school next week?  It is hard to be patient and wait for it to grow!

Bark George

The children love reading a book called "Bark George" by Jules Feiffer.  This week I introduced props to go with the book.  They are learning an important skill....retelling the story.  I am proud of the social skills the children portray, by taking turns as well as helping each other get dressed in the vet uniform. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

Straw Necklaces

Today, these three girls were interested in snipping straws into excellent way to practice cutting skills.  I showed them how to string the pieces together to make necklaces.  They worked hard for a long time. They were improving fine motor skills and having fun at the some time!  Improving fine motor skills will make it easier for them to print when they are ready to print.  Printing is much easier when children have strong muscles in fingers, hands and arms. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Planting an Amaryllis Bulb

This afternoon, we planted an Amaryllis bulb.  
The children were very eager to spray it with water.  They needed to wait patiently for their turn to spray.  Now we have to be patient and wait for it to grow.