Today, I was out of the classroom administering EYE (Early Years Evaluation) to the four year olds in our class. EYE is an Assesment that the Ministery of Education requires teachers to give to all four year olds in Pre K. Children are tested in a quiet area away from the classroom for 45 minutes per child. As there are 19 children in our classroom that the Ministery requires to be tested, it will take several days to test and I will be out of the classroom for several days. Mrs. W will be in the room, and a substitute teacher, Mrs. H has been hired to be in the room during this time also.
The EYE assesses the children's development in several areas:
Awareness of Self and Environment, Gross Motor, Cognitive Skills, Language and Communication and Fine Motor Skills. After the assessment is done, we will have a "snapshot" of how the children are doing in these areas.
I look forward to discussing how your child is doing at the Parent/Teacher Interviews in November.
I am also looking forward to returning back to the classroom to work and play with your children by Monday or Tuesday of next week.