Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Pre K students have been "writing" in their Journals a little more, lately.  This requires the children to find the next clean page, get the date stamped on the page and draw.  Some students are able to print their name, letters or numbers.  Some print "Mom", "Dad" or other names of people they know.  Teachers help by discussing the drawings with the students and writing what the students dictate.  Often the children want pictures labeled, or they dictate a brief sentence.  Today, Miss K decided she wanted to "write" her own story.  She drew a series of wavy lines across the page.  When she was done, she asked me if I wanted her to "read" her story.  Then she read it to me. She tracked the wavy lines with her finger as she read.  This is an excellent example of what reading and writing look like in Pre K!

 Following is an audio clip of Miss K reading her journal entry to me.