Friday, October 31, 2014
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Making Crowns
This afternoon, a student decided that she wanted to make a crown just like we had made earlier in the day for the "Birthday Girl". I helped by drawing zigzags on a piece of construction paper and instructed her to cut on the lines. She needed some help, as cutting zigzags requires a bit of practice, but she did remarkably well. Then I helped her staple the two pieces together. Other students noticed the project and joined in. Soon many students were working hard at making crowns. What a wonderful project for practicing cutting skills and showing students that they are capable learners! Time ran out and it was time to get ready for outside time and then home time, so we had to stop the work, but I am sure the project will continue next class! Way to go Pre K!
Friday, October 17, 2014
We have been talking about germs and keeping healthy by "catching the germs in our elbow" or in a tissue.
Parents came to help with an art Activity to make Germs. They helped students blow through a straw to spread the paint.
Then we put the paintings on the drying rack to dry. Parents stayed to have some fun playing with their children.
When the germs' bodies were dry, we added facial features arms and legs to our germs.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
EYE Assessments to Take Place in November
The EYE assesses the children's development in several areas:
Awareness of Self and Environment
Gross Motor
Cognitive Skills
Language and Communication
Fine Motor Skills
After the assessment is done, we will have a "snapshot" of how the children are doing in these areas.
I look forward to discussing how your child is doing at the Parent/Teacher Interviews in November.
Science Table
Thank you to all the people who donated items to our Science Table. Doesn't it look nice?
Monday, October 6, 2014
Separation Anxiety
In the Fall, children often experience Separation Anxiety. When parents leave their child with us in Pre K, the children may be sad or crying. It is usually short lived. It is best if parents give their child a hug and kiss, leave and let teachers deal with the tears. Parents lingering prolongs the anxiety. Once parents leave, the tears do not usually last long. Children quickly get involved in play with friends and forget all about missing Mommy or Daddy.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Pre Kindergarten is PLAY BASED. This means that you will not see children in Pre K sitting at desks doing worksheets. You will not see children being required to sit and listen to teacher directed lectures. You will not see flash cards or drill based lessons. You will see children playing. Playing does not mean that learning is not taking place. On the contrary, much learning is taking place! Through play, many skills are practiced. Social skills, problem solving, language skills, and math skills, are practiced and learned. These skills are learned while the child is having fun and playing. Teachers help those who have troubles engaging in play by encouraging, questioning, and wondering out loud. Teachers challenge children to try something just beyond their comfort level in order to learn something new. When you see children in Pre K playing, remember, they are not "just playing". They are learning. They are doing the work of childhood.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
More Autumn Leaves!
Pre K B practiced using scissors and glue, today. Holding scissors was a difficult task for many children, but they kept trying! I loved the persistence they showed!
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Fine Motor Skills
Today, we made autumn leaves from construction paper. This required lots of fine motor skills. Holding the scissors is tricky, but we are learning! Gluing required more fine motor practice. These types of activities strengthen the small muscles in the children's hands and fingers--muscles that will need to be strong for when children are ready to print.
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