Friday, October 3, 2014


Pre Kindergarten is PLAY BASED.  This means that you will not see children in Pre K sitting at desks doing worksheets.  You will not see children being required to sit and listen to teacher directed lectures.  You will not see flash cards or drill based lessons.  You will see children playing.  Playing does not mean that learning is not taking place.  On the contrary, much learning is taking place!  Through play, many skills are practiced.  Social skills, problem solving, language skills, and math skills, are practiced and learned.  These skills are learned while the child is having fun and playing.  Teachers help those who have troubles engaging in play by encouraging, questioning, and wondering out loud.  Teachers challenge children to try something just beyond their comfort level in order to learn something new.  When you see children in Pre K playing, remember, they are not "just playing".   They are learning.  They are doing the work of childhood.